Digital Communication
Muhammad Gibraltar, S.Sos., M.Si
- S1 = Bachelor Social, Department of Social Welfare, Universitas Indonesia
- S2 = Master in Communication Studies, Graduate Program of Communication, Universitas Indonesia
Fokus Penelitian:
- Advertising
- Film Studies
- Semiotic / Cinesemiotic (Semiotic for Film)
- Video Games.
- Serious Games.
- Sociology of Communication.
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Galau, Bisnis, dan Negara. Monitor Depok Newspaper: Depok, One Page, Wednesday, 27th July 2011.
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Mudik, Bisnis, & Pemilu 2014. Monitor Depok Newspaper: Depok, One Page, 8th Sebtember 2011.
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. New Media: Internet Murah (Populist Internet). Monitor Depok Newspaper: Depok, One Page,15th October 2011.
- Gibraltar, Muhamad, Fadhilla, dan Ardiansyah. Memajukan Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia: Antara Berkah dan Petaka. Depok. Senat Mahasiswa FISIP UI, 2005. (Approximately 25 pages)
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Et all. Diktat Kenakalan Anak Dalam Pendekatan Sosiologis. Depok: Departemen Kriminologi FISIP UI, 2005.
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Strategi Perubahan Berencana Posyandu Melati III dalam Rangka Mendapatkan Gelar Posyandu Terbaik Tahun 2006. Depok, Departemen Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial Universitas Indonesia, 2008. (Skripsi) Approximately 120 pages)
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Metode Penanganan Masalah “Penyebaran AIDS Yang Tergolong Cepat (Akibat Perilaku Seks Bebas)” Pada Berbagai Komunitas Adat Terpencil di Provinsi Papua (The Problem Solving Method About The Fast Spread of HIV Disease at Most of Indigeneous People in Papua Province). Jakarta: Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia, 2006. (Approximately 15 Pages)
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Peran yang Sebaiknya Dilakukan PKS untuk Mendifusikan Inovasi Religious Work Ethics kepada Umat Muslim Indonesia demi Mewujudkan Kemandirian Bangsa dalam Menghadapi Pemberlakuan AFTA (Asean Free Trade Area) Secara Komprehensif di 6 Negara Pendiri ASEAN Tahun 2010 (Roles that Should Be Implemented by PKS to Diffuse the Innovation of Religious Work Ethics to Actualize the Nation Independence in Facing AFTA Implementation Comprehensively in 6 ASEAN Founding Countries in 2010). Jakarta: PIP-PKS Jepang, 2006 (Approximately 20 Pages)
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Usulan Revisi Beberapa Pasal Pada Perda No. 8 Tahun 2005 Tentang Pelarangan Pelacuran yang Mampu Menimbulkan Anomie Bagi Masyarakat Tangerang Karena Memiliki Kemajemukan Secara Division of Labors. Jakarta: Jurist Makara, 2006. (Approximately 20 Pages)
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Gamers Interpretation of Myths: The Semiotic Analysis of The Serious Game: The Battle of Baratayudha. International Conference of Social Sciences, Business, and Management, Grand Inna Kuta Bali, 2014. (Approximately 12 pages) (Video Game Studies / Communication and Media Studies)
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Viewers Interpretation of Myth: The Semiotic Analysis of Natural Extract Fiber Brand X From 20092011. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Science PG Journal, 2014. (Communication and Media Studies)
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Comparison between Interpretation of Viewers in Cultural and Industrial Cities on The Myth: A Semiotic Analysis of the Indonesian Action Film The Raid 2: Berandal (Research Proposal). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Science PG Journal, 2014. (Communication and Media Studies)
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. A Semiotic Analysis of The Video Music: “Indonesia Bangkit”: Comparing Audience Interpretation (Research Proposal). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Science PG Journal, 2014. (Communication and Media Studies)
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Risks, Conflicts, and Diffusion of Innovations. Bekasi: President University, 2014 (Approximately 7 pages).
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Recommendations of Ads Text (Writing and Visual) That Can Break the Myth: A Lot of Luck of Having Many Children in Indonesia: The Combination Between Semiotic and Sociological Analysis. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Science PG Journal, 2015. (10 pages). (Communication and Media Studies)
- Perkasa, Anthony, and Gibraltar. Ways of Discriminated Transvestites in Communicating Their Existence. (A Phenomenological Approach: Indonesian Case). Bekasi: President University, 2014. (Approximately 50 pages
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Interpretasi Pemirsa Terhadap Penanda dan Petanda: Analisis Semiotika Iklan Sari Serat Alami Merek X Tahun 2009-2011 (Audience’s Interpretation of Signifier and Signified: The Semiotic Analysis of The Natural Herbal Brand X From 2009-2011). Jakarta: Graduate Program in Communication Studies, Universitas Indonesia: 2012. (Thesis). (202 pages).
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Rekomendasi Strategi Yang Dapat Dilakukan Dalam Rangka Menangkal Pemberitaan Negatif Dua Surat Kabar Australia Terhadap SBY: Penggunaan Teori Difusi Inovasi dalam Rangka Menangkal Propaganda (Strategies That Can Be Implemented to Fight The Negative Reporting to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from Two Australian Newspapers: The Usage of Diffusion Innovation Theory in Order to Fight the Propaganda. Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017. (Approximately 15 pages).
- Gibraltar, Muhamad. Analisis Semiotika Iklan Nutrilon Royal 3: Life is An Adventure Hingga Rekomendasi Teks Iklan Tandingan Berbentuk Puisi Baru Menggunakan Semiotika Roland Barthes, Dalam Rangka Mematahkan Mitos Susu Formula Lebih Baik Dibandingkan Dengan ASI (The Semiotic Analysis of The Nutrilon Royal 3: Life is An Adventure To Counter Ads Text Recommendation in The Form of New Poetry by Using Roland Barthes Semiotic Analysis to Break The Myth The Formula Milk is Better than Breast Milk). Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017. (Approximately 50 Pages).
- Malaka, Azwar Sutan, Adyapradana, Gibraltar, and Wahyudhi. The Audience’s Interpretation of The “Gudang Garam” Cigarette Advertisements Slogan: Pria Punya Selera. Journal of Global Communica (Jurnal Global Komunika). Jakarta: UPN Veteran, 2017.
- Keren Awards, Forum Studi Islam, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, 2004.
- Indocement Scholarship for Outstanding Undergraduate Students, 2005-2008.
- The Second Winner of Local Community Essay Competition 2006, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia.
- The Finalist of PIP PKS Japan Essay Competition 2006, Tokyo, Japan.
- The First Winner of Jurist Makara Law Essay Competition 2006, Gedung Joeang, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- The Best Student of Individual Essay Category 2007, FISIP Award, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia.
- Academic Writing Certificates, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, 2006.
- TEFL A Training, LB LIA Pramuka, 2018.
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