Sidrotun Naim, Ph.D.
Biotechnology & Neuroscience


  • S1 = Sarjana Sains (S.Si), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia, 2002
  • S2 = Master of Marine Studies (M.Mar.St); University of Queensland, Australia; 2005. Master of Science (M.S.) in Environmental Science; University of Arizona, USA, 2010; M.S. in Microbiology and Pathobiology, University of Arizona, USA, 2012
  • S3 = Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); University of Arizona, USA, 2012
  • Postdoctoral = Harvard Medical School

Fokus Penelitian


  • Sustainable aquaculture
  • Integrated agriculture-aquaculture
  • Shrimp diseases
  • Tilapia culture



  • Aliah, R.S., K. Sumantadinata, Maskur, S.Naim . 2010. GESIT Tilapia: Indonesia's Genetic Supermales. Global Aquaculture Advocate (3).
  • Fitzsimmons, K., K. Alghanem, S.Naim . 2009. Tilapia Production, Market Report. Production, Consumption Increase Despite Economic Downturn. Global Aquaculture Advocate  (5).
  • Naim, S. 2011. Shrimp viruses and human health. The Jakarta Post.
  • Naim, S and C. Desyana. 2011. Stocking Tilapia in Shrimp Reservoir.  In: L. Liping and K. Fitzsimmons (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Shanghai, China.  


  • Australian Development Scholarship
  • Dean’s commendation for high achievement from the Faculty of Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia.
  • US Department of State (Presidential Fulbright Program), USA.
  • University of Arizona Graduate Tuition Award, USA.
  • L’Oréal Indonesia For Women in Science Award, Indonesia.
  • Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Award, France.
  • Alltech Young Scientist Award, USA
  • Ambassador Award for Excellence, given by the Indonesian ambassador to the US
  • UNESCO - L’Oréal For Women in Science International Award, France.
  • University of Arizona dissertation award, USA.
  • Research and Technology Award from the Indonesian Minister of Research and Technology, Indonesia. 
  • Indonesia Digital Women Award from Telkom Indonesia and the Indonesian Minister for Women Empowerment and Children Protection.